Sunday, January 23, 2011


A Valentine in our sky, or is a a butterfly? It could be a broken heart or a whale jumping high from the ocean depth? . . . you decide .
The cartoon brought back a memory of some road work that was being worked on in front of my friend's house some years ago. I used to walk over to visit her as she was housebound and we played scrabble and did jig saw puzzles, or bought the 'rag' sheet, The Globe, for the Big X puzzle and we would each challenge the other as we worked it. One day there was a crew, just like in the picture, of city workers digging a hole in the middle of the street. They would dig it up and then refill it and go on their way. Then, they would return and dig it up again and repeat the process over and over for months. I finally wrote a letter to the editor to see if we could find out what was the problem. It could be something to effect the homes around there, but what? . . . we will never know as we didn't get an answer, but they finally filled it in and left it alone . . . an eye sore!
We have some on going digging around our town. It is hard to understand why several streets are being ripped up in different areas and not one street at a time. The car tires are in and out of deep ruts and the streets look like patch work quilts. They know what they are doing but so far our newspaper reporters are not on the ball or they would be telling us what streets to avoid. It is for our good in the long run, I'm sure, but, it really isn't much fun to drive home and find the road blocked and you have to find other ways to get there. Who knows what lurks in the hearts of our busy street workers . . . ah, 'the Shadow Knows" . . . remember him? I do.
Friend Jo sent me a jig saw puzzle that is a topographical map of this area and there is a tiny pink area that is my house. It took weeks to get here from England and the idea is a good one, but . . . there goes that 'but' again . . . it is all one color, a sort of gray blue, with miniature pictures that you cannot tell what they are. The trees are green so I know what they are, but the streets and houses and ocean are not discernible and it makes for a huge challenge. I have written to tease my friend Jo as it may be on the table for her next visit. Daughter Pat came in and took one look at it and said, "you're crazy." Who knows, maybe she is right but I am lining up the pieces and I am trying to find a way to put this challenge to rest . . . tune in, I may have to throw in the towel but not without a fight.
So today, Sunday the REST day, do just that rest up for the on coming week ahead. Hunker down in your easy chair with the newspaper, or your book. Stop long enough to have some blueberry pancakes, and if you have to, go ahead get dressed and go for your latte . . . the choices are yours, make them good ones. Hugs to all.
The caption had to do why California is broke.

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