Jo is fascinated with the view. She is a sea food lover and she and John took us out to our special restaurant for scallops with crusty spinach and angel hair pasta, a dish you would all enjoy as well as the gorgeous view of the setting sun. Her first visit here and she has decided it wont be her last. Hope not.
The bags are all packed, sitting in the office near the door, ready to go out into the car for tomorrow morning at six a.m. we will be heading for Medford and the airport to see Jo and John off. Hopefully they will have a safe and good flight, and not have to sit and wait for hours for their flights. John is heading back to Anchorage, Alaska to pick up the work he left behind, while Jo heads for Delaware and back to her class the very next day. Oh that jet lag!! It has been wonderful to have them for the holidays and Pat and I are going to miss them. Maybe they will work on coming back in the spring. I hope so.
I am writing the blog tonight as I will be baby sitting Emma, Pat's dog while she drives over with John and Jo. She couldn't fit Emma in the car along with the suitcases so I volunteered to stay with Emma and play Frisbee in the back yard. I figure if I give her a good run for her money she will let me sit and read my book until Pat gets home. Now that is what you call wishful thinking as this dog knows what she wants, and when she wants it, and I have a feeling if I don't throw the Frisbee she will pester me for petting . . . I can do that and I think once is enough . She thinks never ending is better. "Pet me, pet me, pet me!"
So as you start the third day of the New Year, think Monday and go and 'get um', chase the cob webs out of your mind and get back to work at home or at work, or both . . . just do it and you will feel like you have accomplished the impossible after partying for days . . . well, eating all that rich food was partying . . . egg nog? what egg nog? I didn't get any. Just have a good day, all day and catch up with me tomorrow. Hugs to all.
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