Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Post Script for Today - THE FAN!!!

All one thousand pieces are here, not one missing, although I would tell you as Pat and I, with a little help from neighbor La Verne, just knew several pieces were long gone. No vacuuming the dining area for days! This is part of the right side where the colors were really beautiful.
This fan was in the middle of the bottom and by far the toughest part of putting the puzzle together. We said that about the other sections as well, but this really truly was a 'bear'.

The Pagoda roof tops should have been simple but they were not, even though their color was pretty much outstanding in shades of beige. They would not cooperate for the longest time, then when you least expected it...voila! . . . they fit.

This young lady and her two white peacocks in her lush gardens with a huge rock were not easy to put together either. The pieces were illusive, just didn't want to become peacocks and her gown was impossible . . . well, not to us, the expert puzzle makers .
Here it is in all its glory. The entire puzzle. I had to take it this way as the lighting was bad and I can't climb the chair to stand up above it to make a better picture. You are seeing it, finished, so do not complain . . . we just wouldn't listen!

Couldn't fit it all in but it gives you a good idea of the whole puzzle. It is beautiful. It was well worth all the agony to put it together. The work is in organizing and reorganizing as you go along to find the alike colors and place them in all their shapes and sizes to fall into place when you need them. Much easier said than done.
If you haven't done a jig saw puzzle in awhile, don't hesitate it is like eating peanuts, you just can't stop.
Now, I have a puzzle waiting to start of my own neighborhood. Jo gave it to for Christmas and it came by way of England, got caught up in Customs and finally arrived this month, so it is here, it is time to shake it out and see what develops. I'll be back. Hugs to all.

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