Monday, January 17, 2011


I thought a picture of a little blue in the sky might bring some sunlight and brightness about today . . . one can only hope as the rainy winter pattern persists and Mr. Art Ritis is having a long stay this winter. How I long for the natural hot springs of Carson City where you could soak your aches away. I was talking to Pat this morning about where the hot springs are located here in Oregon. I read somewhere they had some, but this time of year the roads would be difficult as there is snow and ice inland. See, I've talked myself out of a soak in a hot spring because of weather.....whether I like it or not.
On to the lovely Geisha Girl, yes they still do have them in Japan and this young woman is a beauty. I would like to spend some time with her and hear what she has to say. She just looks graceful standing there.
As for the big black dog . . . aah, he came on line with a story that was sad but so beautiful and funny as well. As I was reading his tale, all I could think of was Emma and all of her high jinks and how much alike they were. Our Emma is a golden retriever and as big and beautiful with her long curly fur. She manages to keep her puppy ways in spite of us. The big black dog's owner was a soldier and the dog was a working dog, his buddy, his friend. It seems the dog was sent back and was in a pound with a new name and a letter from the original owner. No one could make the dog mind and they soon tired of trying and sent it back to the pound. The story goes on to tell of a man who adopted the dog and after weeks of misery was about to give up when he remember the letter that came with him. He learned the dogs true name. It was 'tank' and once he called the dog by his real name he became an entirely different dog and the story ended with a happy ending for both the new owner and the dog.
So today, know it is a good day. Do not give up or give in. Know there is a reason for everything. We don't always see it at first but it manifests itself before the day is over and you 'handle' whatever problem you have to and 'get over it' and 'get on with it' to make your day the best one yet. It is Monday . . . Monday is the start of a whole new week but it still comes to us one second at a time. Remember to use your seconds wisely. Start with a yawn then end with a giggle or two. Hugs to all.

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