Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Old and New

Well now, this is my familiar method of communication. I'd like to have a nickel for every hour I stood on my feet and ironed a ton of clothes and communicated by the stroke of the iron. I wore out three covers a year and sometimes made holes in them as I took to task mentally the ills and woes of my day. One way to communicate with oneself and harmless in the long run.

All these new Ipods and such leave me far behind as I have never even held one. I don't even own a telephone . . . who in their right mind would want to be in constant touch with everyone each second of the day. I like privacy. I like my own company. I like to shop by myself, and answering the phone in a privy is just a bit beyond anything I could imagine. I have to admit to being out of the loop with little or no desire to join in the 'fun'. I like my quiet. I like my time, God knows it goes fast enough. So, I love to share many things in my life, but I don't want to share every single moment of it.

So today, do yourself a favor and see if you can go a minute or two without touching your 'pods'; don't call anyone for at least an hour and give them a chance to think for themselves, who knows they might even solve a problem or two and get on with living. The new fangled fast paced highway is good in some respects but oh the toll it takes on your every day seconds . . . remember seconds count. Be good to you and hide out, or should I say hide the damnable pod and have a moment or two all by yourself. It can't hurt and might even allow you to think about your own quiet time and how much it means to you. Hugs to all.

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