Friday, January 21, 2011


"Where the deer and the antelope play. . . or is it caribou? I received these wonderful pictures and a story about the oil drilling problem in the United States and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) which I have not paid much attention to because I do not drive a car, and have not for many years. I am in sympathy with the folks who drive and have to pay the outrageous prices for gas which seem to climb up the ladder as to how high you can go . . . and we all know the answer to that.
A winter scene which I find beautiful and I wonder what they find to eat in such desolation.

The experts tell us that the wildlife cannot exist in harmony with the pipe line. I gather from reading the article that those who want to drill in the wildlife refuge area are only 160 miles from the pipe line which could be extended to
Prudhoe Bay which accounts for 17% of U.S. Domestic oil. There was a query as to why our politicians do not tell the full story of ANWR. The quote I found interesting was that Al Gore said the US Government should work to artificially raise gas prices to $5.00 a gallon . . . and he got his wish , along with the Nobel prize and a ton of money. Yet because of his on Global Warming and Wildlife Preservation, he rides with ease and can afford it, while we have a small problem of stretching our budgets to afford to drive around the block.

Prudhoe Bay . . . The Slope.

There was a comment about the map showing the coastal plain and the question asked was , "Does the photo look coastal to you?"

Another beautiful shot of an area that is wide open and desolate.

Sarah Palin could become the most popular woman alive if she fought for drilling in her home state of Alaska. If she could stand up and show that the animals are not unhappy with pipe lines
I am a little out of my league with all this oil talk, but I wanted to call your attention to it so you could write your representatives and let them know you are becoming aware that there is a lot more to the story than they let on. Someone is holding the prize for making billions and that seems to be the Arab countries and we are paying a high price to protect desolation and animals that would survive a pipe line. I read something the other day about our untapped resources and that we have oil right here in our own United States. People are looking for work, why not build our own pipeline? Gee, we might get to pay that twenty-five cents a gallon one more time around, like in the fifties. . . wouldn't that be a treat?
So today, when you buy gas for your car and grumble about the price, think . . . you could write your representative and remind him or her that they have a job to do and that is to make America stable, self sufficient, strong and drilling for oil might be the answer to a lot of problems.

A second look at the map just to show the size of the area they could start the drilling. Besides I couldn't delete the picture even when I followed instructions. Some people are just more computer savey than others. Hugs. to all.

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