Monday, January 31, 2011

Old Politics

I am always amazed at the hullabaloo that goes on in an instant when there is some one thing on going that we do not agree with and then silence as if the problem never existed. We do not hear about the mosque that was to be built near ground zero and the reporters have gone on to bigger and better, or maybe more politically correct problems of the moment.
Unemployment is still in the news and the promises are being spoken of, but for those out of work it is an endless nightmare of bills piling up, home loses and a short step to starvation.

The attitude seems to have changed since the November vote and we are not hearing as much rhetoric about 'change' but just found out that what is being said is one thing, but what is being done is another. I just got my statement about my income for the next year and believe it or not, although the President signed the bill saying there would be no tax increase this year . . . there is. My income tax was increased by thirty dollars and the medical went up twelve . . . so much for what is being said and what is being done. We have no recourse. I will write my representatives and have my say, but I doubt it will do much good. I've been around the horn several times about the Government Pension Offset Bill of 1983 when they penalized the government workers for working for the government. Believe it, they did and they would not revoke the unjust law because it would be costly. . . so send two billion a year to another country and make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Oh yeah, I am on my soap box this morning.
We taught our children values, honor, and your handshake meant what you said. We taught them to be good citizens and to respect the flag, the American Way and they have grown up to see for themselves that things are not as they should be or could be as our own President says one things and does another. I had no problem working for a living and paying my income tax. I am now retired and depend on my earned retirement income to exist and would not have a word to say if I had to pay a little more in income tax if it was to help get us back on our feet. I am sure a lot of retirees feel that way, but to be sideswiped and lied to makes it unjust, unfair and unpalatable.
So today, be sure you check your salary slips and see what has happened in your area of income tax. Hopefully you wont find a surprise and lose some of your hard earned money. We are in a big financial mess and it doesn't seem to get better, maybe you have a better chance if you are not a former civil servant. There has been a lot said about the civil servants over the years but the public has never been aware of the times that they have had to 'bail' out Social Security or do without their raises , like now two years of no cola raise . . . yeah, 'life isn't fair' but our Government Officials should be. I wonder if they got the same percentage raised in their taxes and did they get a raise? Well it is 'do as I say, not as I do' kind of Government and I am not happy with the results. So with a grin and bear it attitude, I am off to write my Congressman.
Make your today as good as you can, it's Monday . . . work hard to pay your taxes and remember all of this when it comes time to vote . . . some change should stay in the pocket of those that work for it. Hugs to all.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Beat- Never!

I bet you had this thought more than once. That is quite a cartoon. You can feel the sarcasm. Weather is the one thing we wait on when we have to make a decision on how to dress, whether to go or stay, or accept it for what it is and get on with the day.
This picture has been on the computer more than once and I had to laugh when I saw it today. We have a friend who is a hunter and gets out there very early in the morning to find his deer. Some mornings he should just stay at home with his 'dear'. . . Sometimes he is lucky and can store up his supplies for good eating but then he has days like this. Of course I will send this along; how else can I make his day. The early bird may catch the worm but this old bird missed by a mile.

The actor Ernest Borgnine is 94 years old and look at how wonderful he looks. He is about to get the Life Time Achievement Award and one I think well deserved. The television just showed "Marty" on, a film I've seen a dozen times in which he was great. Yet when I think of actors and roles, his role in "From Here to Eternity" is the one that comes to mind. The caption said something about his living through a lot of laughter and tears, my we all know that one and thanks to great actors and actresses we have been able to sit back and watch them play roles to make us laugh and cry.

I don't usually give up, have a stubborn streak a mile wide, but here is the beast that did me in. My friend Jo sent me a surprise puzzle from England where a topographical picture was taken of the area in which I live. A lovely surprise and I could hardly wait to start. I have to tell you I put that frame together dozens of times and found that each piece has to fit perfectly or it just doesn't fit. The frame stayed crooked, there was no more end pieces. I got this far in what I believe to be the ocean and it took a week. There seemed to be a piece missing, but more than one as there are just a couple of pieces of that color left to fill in and they just would not fit. My neighbor La Verne came over as she loves to help find the puzzle pieces and she couldn't find any pieces either.We pulled the frame apart one more time and still it didn't come together right. We measured according to what figures were on the box and it didn't match . . . aha. . . something was not right. . .that did it, away it went back in the box because it is a waste of time to try and put a jig saw puzzle together when pieces are missing . . . on to a new one!
So today, a day of rest which I hope you will take advantage of. We are at the end of January, a whole month gone of our brand new year. It didn't pass as quickly as some, but then we had weather to contend with and I think that slowed us all down. February may prove to be a lot better, if not, buy a box of chocolates in a big heart box and indulge to bulge and know that better weather is coming. Make your seconds count and find reasons to smile. Hugs to all.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Masters

How lucky I am to have friends who accept me 'as is', and of course that is a two way street. I think we are lucky to have each other. Yesterday I received the most unusual e-mail. It was an attachment with pictures of famous paintings and it had alphabetized lists of the names and you could go in and check on each one to bring up their famous work. It was unbelievable and an awesome as well as educational. I chose a few to see what the artist name brought up, some familiar, others not.
The Tea Party by Mary Cassell. My our world has changed as we no longer wear the long aprons or bonnets, but we still drink tea and it is always a treat when a friend stops by to have a cup with me.

Sea Shells by Filippia Napoletano, isn't that a wonderful name . . . slides of the tongue and sounds intriguing so I pulled up her work and was delighted to see the sea shells. I used to have a couple just like that but lost them in one of the moves.

The Sloop by Homer Winslow. I know you have heard his name before. His work is masterful.

Another Cassell, with a mother reading to her daughter.
I like the feel of this one. The colors are perfect and the feeling of serenity comes through. I used to read to my children but mostly when they were in bed, calm and ready to listen. If I had them out in the yard they would have been chasing butterflies, the dog or each other.

Homer Winslow again. If I am not mistaken, this one was called "A Sunday Afternoon", I know a few friends who would like to spend a Sunday afternoon right there. Lakes can be a beautiful and peaceful location for a Sunday outing . . .

The Apple Tree by Camelle Pissarro, another lovely name and a beautiful painting. It reminded me of the poor farm where we used to go as young children to
pick apples. Of course they were off limits but that didn't seem to bother us as we climbed the trees and filled our bags with apples. Many times we were chased out of the area, but the temptation was always there and the apple turnovers to die for.
So today, I hope you received a copy of this wonderful attachment and spent some time looking at some of your favorite artists. We are so lucky to have some of this type of information coming over the 'waves' . I enjoy the numerous attachments that allow me to travel the world, or to see the sights of remarkable beauty under the sea, or from outer space. The computer is a remarkable tool for learning. So, my friends, thank you for making my world a brighter and happier place when you share the attachments. I send them on, and believe it or not I have not had one complaint . . . 'what's to complain about?" . . . nothing . . . and that is a good thing. Make your seconds count today as you start your Saturday off slowly with a cup of coffee in one hand and a big fat jelly donut in the other . . . well, toast isn't all bad . . . Hugs to all.

Friday, January 28, 2011


It looks like the moon was not ready to call it quits for the night. It made a lovely picture early in the morning when the sky was filled with streaks of color that made you feel good just looking at it. I was looking out my kitchen window last evening getting ready to close the curtains for the night and the sun was sinking in the west and the colors were deep with brilliant shades and I thought to go for my camera, but, I knew the scene would change before I could get out the back door to find a spot to take a picture. I'm not as quick as I 'used' to be.

Seeing the moon early in the morning reminded me of the poem I wrote about 'Moonbeams'

The sky begins to darken/as the sun goes down/the orange globe throws yellow and purple shadows/and the sky takes on a glow.
The clouds hover all around/turning colors to match the splendor of the evening shade.
Twilight turns to midnight/the sky is darker now/the moon has taken over/sending beams across the sky.
The ray of light is brilliant/reflecting in the clouds/a tinge of gray/some black/edging in the moon, changing shape/from full round/to a crescent moon.
watching out my window/nature's wondrous array/ I am sorry for the sleepyheads/missing this display. J.M.S.

How's that for four a.m. , don't fret I woke up at one thirty and made coffee, worked on the puzzle, then decided that I would spend some time with you. The sleeping patterns of the octogenarians are something to write about. I think we do our best thinking, worrying, stewing and fretting in the hours between midnight and six o'clock in the morning. If I ever slept through, the world would end, or at least mine would. I guess we don't need as much sleep as we 'used' to; we don't need a lot of things that we 'used' to . . . I'm content to read awhile or lay there in the middle of my bed with my feet up the wall . . . it is suppose to change the blood flow so hopefully that is a good thing. Now if someone would tell me how to get up gracefully, I'd appreciate it . . . better still, forget it because I am going back for a power nap.

So today, I cannot believe it is Friday already . . . another busy week behind us . . . I hope it was one filled with surprises and for those of you who have been out shoveling that white stuff, go carefully. I hear my friend Jo has been shoveling her car out of a couple of feet of snow and once she got it ready to go the plow came by and buried it all over again. I hope she stayed home for the day and rested from all that hard work. Hey Jo, it won't stay forever, honest. Hugs to all.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Views and Views

The World War II memorial, how I would like to see that. It took so long for the memorial to be built and the attachment I received today, written by a medical doctor in a V.A. hospital tells the sad story of the forgotten many.
The Battle of the Bulge was a tale a friend used to tell. He was there and his version was strong in the sights and sounds of a winter battle that was fought inch by inch by our American troops. He was extremely proud of the hardships they survived and wanted everyone to know the kind of men who fought for freedom. An age old story that goes on forever it seems, as we are eight years into a terrorist 'war' and our young men are still dying for the same cause. Freedom comes at a very high price.

Another view of the memorial. There were pictures of many of the men who are now octogenarians and spending time in the V.A. hospital. The doctor went on to say much about his views of the daily grind he had until he realized who these men were and what they had suffered for him just as well as for us. He changed his mind about his thoughts of the old men who were struggling and became their hero as he wrote a letter and called our attention to these men who have been forgotten. Some folks in our world do not even know of World War II or about the battles they fought. He felt it was time we were reminded and he is right.

Morning Skies. I looked out the window to see a red sky and grabbed the camera and went out to see if I could catch the beautiful skies.
Reflection of the rising sun in my neighbors windows. That's my ocean view from my back porch you are looking at. I have hope that the trees will be cut back one of these days.

Sailor's Warning
Warnings come/warnings go/ a sailor chalks the sky/ for morning light/blood red at sight/sends waves thundering to shore./ The seagulls count a dozen score/but when the waves are high/they fly and wheel and sight their meal/tiny fish are floating by./ They dive and seem to multiply. The winds are strong/the air seems cold/the sky descending light/shades of pink to garnet red/a sailor's true delight. J.M.S.

So today, Thursday already, January all but gone . . . is that a sigh of relief? I bet it is as you have suffered through a long winter with still a bit more to go. Hang in there, it cannot last forever . . . think Spring . . . just don't waste your seconds bemoaning the weather. You know it will change, it always does. Keep in mind the veterans of our wars and say a prayer for them, both those that are still heading for the Garden Gate and for those that have already passed through it. Didn't you hear that doctor on television the other night saying 'hugs' are necessary for your health . . . well get out there and HUG. Hugs to all.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hump Day

Another warm day for us, unusual, but welcome. We are to go up to sixty-five today and that is not to brag, just to inform you that living in the banana belt of Oregon isn't all bad. We have our weeks, even months of rain and fog and gray days which we are used to, so when the sun shines you can believe we are out and about.

The two men working under the house replacing the insulation will be glad for the warmth of the weather today. It is a really miserable job to have to crawl under a house in winter where it is wet and close quarters. One area is so tight that it is difficult to replace the insulation but Kevin did tell me they did get it in and he will be very happy to see the end of this job. I baked some chocolate chip cookies yesterday so shared a hot one out of the oven to the delight of the men. I sent them home with some just to show my appreciation for their hard work. They get good money for the job and after watching them work for the past two days, I would say they earn every penny of it. They didn't need supervision and I certainly couldn't be of any help, so when friend Marcia came and invited me out to lunch you know where I went . . . right out the door. I forgot to take my camera to take pictures of the new hotel that the Lucky Seven folks are building. It is coming right along and we are all waiting for an invitation to the opening. It should be beautiful with all of it's Indian decor. The new restaurant is much bigger but the lay out isn't as good for the workers as they have much more space to cover. Well, they didn't ask me!! Someone was not thinking of the waiters as they have to walk back to the kitchen area to get the food and come out with it in a covered dish . . . that should tell you that the food can get cold on the way. I noticed they are not getting the crowds they use to, maybe because it takes longer to get the food to the tables. Oh well, life is not perfect.

So today, bundle up if you are on the east coast. I hear the temperature is below the below and there is more snow to contend with. I miss seeing the first snow fall in all its beauty, but I can assure you I do not miss the cold blustery winter days when it turns to slush and ice. I have enough of a heating bill right here. Go about carefully, don't forget your smile and for heavens sake eat a healthy lunch in your favorite place be it a Taco Bell or a Big Mac, or a sandwich made at home with a good friend. Enjoy your seconds and share a hug. Hugs to all.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Faith, Hope and Charity

I knew there was a lot of different types of cancer, but had no idea there were as many. This picture shows sixteen types of cancer and each one of us knows some one person with one of them. My friend, Tanie, was diagnosed several years ago with lung cancer and she was told she did not have, or could not expect, a lot of time . . . time, which we sometimes waste does become a a prime factor on how we spend our seconds. Tanie is a fighter and she started treatments of radiation and chemotherapy. She has been through four complete sessions and gained five more years, and hopefully many more. The treatments have kept the cancer from spreading rapidly, but it has not cured it but has left her feeling weaker and slower so she has recently moved into assisted living. She didn't want to stay alone, or depend on daily help from her family. She wants her Independence and she wants to be around people so she can share her wonderful sense of being. Her sister used to tease her about who was the cutest . . . well I think she proved she is.
the candle is to remind us to keep our prayers and thoughts for all of those suffering from one type of cancer or the other. It reminds us of the light it brings into our world and it helps us to remember that each one needs the light to show them the way.
So today, a chilly Tuesday back east where the temperatures have gone below the below zero and it is difficult to be outdoors when the chill factor bites your very nose. Go carefully, and don't go if you can stay put withing the warmth of your home. You can find better things to do than slip and slide outdoors in the cold. Find a candle and light it and say a small prayer for the cancer victims and ask for a big miracle. . . a cure. When I light my candles this month, I will remember to ask for winter to leave . . .
"Winter is leaving, slowly it seems/trees still naked, gray and stark,/benches free, not a soul in the park/ familiar roads turning and twisting/high rocks of granite/sunshine glistening/ box elder with burls, old and gnarled/ standing gray and bent, getting ready to bloom/ as the sap runs up from winter gloom.
Winds are shifting,up high in the sky/clouds thready patterns please the eye/winter is leaving, slowly it seems/the sap is running to the top of the trees, buds are forming, soon leaves will abound/slowly and surely spring comes around." J.M.S.

The cartoon for the day . . . like the poem about winter leaving, the events of the day are changing. Watch, and wait. . . soon there will be good news, after all election time will be coming around and it always seems to bring some changes with it. Let us hope and pray for some good ones as we all need a boost to our morale.
So today, make it the best you can no matter if you are inside or out. Know that you are pretty well off in comparison to a lot of folks in your abilities to get ahead in your world both physically and mentally. So be thankful you are healthy, wealthy and wise and share the hugs as they are only good for what ails you. Hugs to all.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sharon's Latest

My friend, Sharon Guinn, has been down with a flu bug over the holidays and was not about to lay abed and wish herself better, but got out her paints and did six new paintings which she will be entering in shows this spring. She called the 'girls', "Winter Faces" , and we all know just how they feel. It has been along hard winter with freezing temperatures and, for those of you who live in the snow country, you certainly got more than your share. Speaking of snow, granddaughter Erin is up in the snow country snow boarding along with her students and a few other faculty members. They are having a ball and are enjoying every minute on the mountain tops. I am waiting patiently of news of the trip. It will be interesting to find out how the girls did and how many have been snow boarding before. I also wonder if it is easier than using skies. Back in our days we were lucky we had a Flexible Flyer and a hill to slide down. I did go down a mountain side once on a big inner tube and that was exciting with only the body to steer.
How about the "Giraffe with Blue Eyes"? What a whimsy and what a personality. Sharon has a wonderful sense of whimsy which shows in her 'not serious, art work. There is a lot of thought and talent to bring out this whimsical side of her, remember the fisherman which was on an older blog not too long ago? He was something else again. If I need a smile I know where to go.
So today, find a reason to smile. I'm off to make my coffee and wake up. It is Monday . . . the very first day of your new week. I wonder what challenges you will face . . . another snow storm, well you know how to handle that . . . just know that you can handle anything that comes your way, after all, you have faith, hope and charity, so keep that in mind and have a tony the tiger greeeeaattt day! Hugs to all.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


A Valentine in our sky, or is a a butterfly? It could be a broken heart or a whale jumping high from the ocean depth? . . . you decide .
The cartoon brought back a memory of some road work that was being worked on in front of my friend's house some years ago. I used to walk over to visit her as she was housebound and we played scrabble and did jig saw puzzles, or bought the 'rag' sheet, The Globe, for the Big X puzzle and we would each challenge the other as we worked it. One day there was a crew, just like in the picture, of city workers digging a hole in the middle of the street. They would dig it up and then refill it and go on their way. Then, they would return and dig it up again and repeat the process over and over for months. I finally wrote a letter to the editor to see if we could find out what was the problem. It could be something to effect the homes around there, but what? . . . we will never know as we didn't get an answer, but they finally filled it in and left it alone . . . an eye sore!
We have some on going digging around our town. It is hard to understand why several streets are being ripped up in different areas and not one street at a time. The car tires are in and out of deep ruts and the streets look like patch work quilts. They know what they are doing but so far our newspaper reporters are not on the ball or they would be telling us what streets to avoid. It is for our good in the long run, I'm sure, but, it really isn't much fun to drive home and find the road blocked and you have to find other ways to get there. Who knows what lurks in the hearts of our busy street workers . . . ah, 'the Shadow Knows" . . . remember him? I do.
Friend Jo sent me a jig saw puzzle that is a topographical map of this area and there is a tiny pink area that is my house. It took weeks to get here from England and the idea is a good one, but . . . there goes that 'but' again . . . it is all one color, a sort of gray blue, with miniature pictures that you cannot tell what they are. The trees are green so I know what they are, but the streets and houses and ocean are not discernible and it makes for a huge challenge. I have written to tease my friend Jo as it may be on the table for her next visit. Daughter Pat came in and took one look at it and said, "you're crazy." Who knows, maybe she is right but I am lining up the pieces and I am trying to find a way to put this challenge to rest . . . tune in, I may have to throw in the towel but not without a fight.
So today, Sunday the REST day, do just that rest up for the on coming week ahead. Hunker down in your easy chair with the newspaper, or your book. Stop long enough to have some blueberry pancakes, and if you have to, go ahead get dressed and go for your latte . . . the choices are yours, make them good ones. Hugs to all.
The caption had to do why California is broke.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sunshine and Wind

At a beach in Santa Barbara, California, next to the pier, a group of Veterans and some wonderful volunteers spend their Saturday mornings putting up crosses and candles for every death of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some one sleeps on the beach to watch over the display so it is not disturbed. Every cross bears the name and the date of birth and death of each soldier. Someone does care.
A strong desire for fish and chips led daughter Patricia and me to the Sporthaven beach area where we sat by the window of the restaurant and watched the tide come in. The wind was strong pushing the waves in thunderous roars as it broke right there by the rocks. The lonely seagull didn't seem to mind one bit as it watched the water recede slowly before the next onslaught of the waves.

After we had some delicious haddock with cold slaw and no chips we drove the car around to the beach area and I got out to take the pictures with my new camera. It works much like the old one but without the aid of the view finder. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to use it but so far so good. There was quite a few wave watchers along the beach area and I didn't think to take a picture of the trucks and cars. A lot of old timers come out to walk their dogs or just sit on one of the benches and watch the waves roll in.

So today, join the Santa Barbara veterans in prayer for the men and women who have died in the tenacious battle to rid the world of terrorism. Take a walk out and lift up your head and your hearts to honor them just because you can. Share a stipend to the Veteran's organizations to help 'cure' the men coming back trying to survive the 'horrors' of war. We have no real idea of what they have been through, now so many need a helping hand. On the air waves this week we heard the cry of John F. Kennedy "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" . . . well these men and women have given their all , as have their families . . . 'there by the grace of God go I' . . . so do your bit. Hugs to all.

Friday, January 21, 2011


"Where the deer and the antelope play. . . or is it caribou? I received these wonderful pictures and a story about the oil drilling problem in the United States and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) which I have not paid much attention to because I do not drive a car, and have not for many years. I am in sympathy with the folks who drive and have to pay the outrageous prices for gas which seem to climb up the ladder as to how high you can go . . . and we all know the answer to that.
A winter scene which I find beautiful and I wonder what they find to eat in such desolation.

The experts tell us that the wildlife cannot exist in harmony with the pipe line. I gather from reading the article that those who want to drill in the wildlife refuge area are only 160 miles from the pipe line which could be extended to
Prudhoe Bay which accounts for 17% of U.S. Domestic oil. There was a query as to why our politicians do not tell the full story of ANWR. The quote I found interesting was that Al Gore said the US Government should work to artificially raise gas prices to $5.00 a gallon . . . and he got his wish , along with the Nobel prize and a ton of money. Yet because of his on Global Warming and Wildlife Preservation, he rides with ease and can afford it, while we have a small problem of stretching our budgets to afford to drive around the block.

Prudhoe Bay . . . The Slope.

There was a comment about the map showing the coastal plain and the question asked was , "Does the photo look coastal to you?"

Another beautiful shot of an area that is wide open and desolate.

Sarah Palin could become the most popular woman alive if she fought for drilling in her home state of Alaska. If she could stand up and show that the animals are not unhappy with pipe lines
I am a little out of my league with all this oil talk, but I wanted to call your attention to it so you could write your representatives and let them know you are becoming aware that there is a lot more to the story than they let on. Someone is holding the prize for making billions and that seems to be the Arab countries and we are paying a high price to protect desolation and animals that would survive a pipe line. I read something the other day about our untapped resources and that we have oil right here in our own United States. People are looking for work, why not build our own pipeline? Gee, we might get to pay that twenty-five cents a gallon one more time around, like in the fifties. . . wouldn't that be a treat?
So today, when you buy gas for your car and grumble about the price, think . . . you could write your representative and remind him or her that they have a job to do and that is to make America stable, self sufficient, strong and drilling for oil might be the answer to a lot of problems.

A second look at the map just to show the size of the area they could start the drilling. Besides I couldn't delete the picture even when I followed instructions. Some people are just more computer savey than others. Hugs. to all.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Post Script for Today - THE FAN!!!

All one thousand pieces are here, not one missing, although I would tell you as Pat and I, with a little help from neighbor La Verne, just knew several pieces were long gone. No vacuuming the dining area for days! This is part of the right side where the colors were really beautiful.
This fan was in the middle of the bottom and by far the toughest part of putting the puzzle together. We said that about the other sections as well, but this really truly was a 'bear'.

The Pagoda roof tops should have been simple but they were not, even though their color was pretty much outstanding in shades of beige. They would not cooperate for the longest time, then when you least expected it...voila! . . . they fit.

This young lady and her two white peacocks in her lush gardens with a huge rock were not easy to put together either. The pieces were illusive, just didn't want to become peacocks and her gown was impossible . . . well, not to us, the expert puzzle makers .
Here it is in all its glory. The entire puzzle. I had to take it this way as the lighting was bad and I can't climb the chair to stand up above it to make a better picture. You are seeing it, finished, so do not complain . . . we just wouldn't listen!

Couldn't fit it all in but it gives you a good idea of the whole puzzle. It is beautiful. It was well worth all the agony to put it together. The work is in organizing and reorganizing as you go along to find the alike colors and place them in all their shapes and sizes to fall into place when you need them. Much easier said than done.
If you haven't done a jig saw puzzle in awhile, don't hesitate it is like eating peanuts, you just can't stop.
Now, I have a puzzle waiting to start of my own neighborhood. Jo gave it to for Christmas and it came by way of England, got caught up in Customs and finally arrived this month, so it is here, it is time to shake it out and see what develops. I'll be back. Hugs to all.


There was an interesting read yesterday as I was glued to the house with plumbers running in and out, under the house, changing the water lines throughout the house and under it as well. I didn't envy Billy having to slip and slide out there in the cold. All went well until the very end when there was one spot that refused to be fixed and it took several hours to just get that one spot done. I kept busy between the computer, a cross word puzzle, the fan puzzle which I finished and must take a picture of for you, and a necessary stop at my neighbors who graciously served coffee and no charge for the rest room. The read was about a few quotes from 1955 . . . "When I first started driving, Who would have thought that someday gas would cost twenty-five cents a gallon. Guess we'd be better off leaving the car in the garage."
"Did you see where some baseball players just signed a contract for $50 thousand a year to play ball? It wouldn't surprise me if someday they'll be making more than the President."
"It wont be long before young couples are going to have to hire someone to watch their kids so they can both work."
"There is not sense going on short trips anymore for a weekend. It costs nearly$2.00 a night to stay at a hotel."
I may have said some of these things and have lived long enough to see that they all came true and even more so than quoted. Funny how money changes in value as the years go by, seems I just heard the dollar is worth a lot less now, but we make so much more . . . yeah!

Mirror, mirror on the wall, are you true or are you false? An interesting e-mail came in yesterday about two way mirrors and how to tell if they are , or are not, real true mirrors. I cannot imagine anyone becoming a voyeur in a ladies room or in a dressing room . . . how crass . . .but it happens so the experts say. So test the mirrors and see, just remember NO SPACE LEAVE THE PLACE as your fingernail tells the truth.

So today think of the word budget and make up a good one. Save the first ten percent and the eke out the rest to your high living. As for the mirror, don't take chances, test! We live in a transition time and we will survive, just take it one second at a time and 'go for it', today is a good day to start. Me, I'm putting my house back together . . . what a mess . . . what a job . . . but think of the clean under cabinets I have, and the linen closet too. Hugs to all.