Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Masters

How lucky I am to have friends who accept me 'as is', and of course that is a two way street. I think we are lucky to have each other. Yesterday I received the most unusual e-mail. It was an attachment with pictures of famous paintings and it had alphabetized lists of the names and you could go in and check on each one to bring up their famous work. It was unbelievable and an awesome as well as educational. I chose a few to see what the artist name brought up, some familiar, others not.
The Tea Party by Mary Cassell. My our world has changed as we no longer wear the long aprons or bonnets, but we still drink tea and it is always a treat when a friend stops by to have a cup with me.

Sea Shells by Filippia Napoletano, isn't that a wonderful name . . . slides of the tongue and sounds intriguing so I pulled up her work and was delighted to see the sea shells. I used to have a couple just like that but lost them in one of the moves.

The Sloop by Homer Winslow. I know you have heard his name before. His work is masterful.

Another Cassell, with a mother reading to her daughter.
I like the feel of this one. The colors are perfect and the feeling of serenity comes through. I used to read to my children but mostly when they were in bed, calm and ready to listen. If I had them out in the yard they would have been chasing butterflies, the dog or each other.

Homer Winslow again. If I am not mistaken, this one was called "A Sunday Afternoon", I know a few friends who would like to spend a Sunday afternoon right there. Lakes can be a beautiful and peaceful location for a Sunday outing . . .

The Apple Tree by Camelle Pissarro, another lovely name and a beautiful painting. It reminded me of the poor farm where we used to go as young children to
pick apples. Of course they were off limits but that didn't seem to bother us as we climbed the trees and filled our bags with apples. Many times we were chased out of the area, but the temptation was always there and the apple turnovers to die for.
So today, I hope you received a copy of this wonderful attachment and spent some time looking at some of your favorite artists. We are so lucky to have some of this type of information coming over the 'waves' . I enjoy the numerous attachments that allow me to travel the world, or to see the sights of remarkable beauty under the sea, or from outer space. The computer is a remarkable tool for learning. So, my friends, thank you for making my world a brighter and happier place when you share the attachments. I send them on, and believe it or not I have not had one complaint . . . 'what's to complain about?" . . . nothing . . . and that is a good thing. Make your seconds count today as you start your Saturday off slowly with a cup of coffee in one hand and a big fat jelly donut in the other . . . well, toast isn't all bad . . . Hugs to all.

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