Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Jasmine, what a lovely name to give a beautiful greyhound with soul filled eyes and the inherited altruism of a true mother. Jasmine was abandoned and left neglected and beaten by her owner. When the police opened the outside shed door and saw this whimpering cowering dog they had only one thought and that was to save her.
Jasmine was taken to the Nuneaton Wildlife Sanctuary and Goff Grewcork restored this pitiful animal hoping to find her a home . . . but according to the write up, Jasmine had other ideas and she began to welcome all of the new animals that came to the sanctuary. She would peer into the box and give them a welcoming lick. She was bent on taking the stress away from them and to let them know they were in good hands. Here she is pictured with Bramble, a roe deer, who is her constant companion.

Jasmine, with the soulful eyes and the soft tongue is right at home as a surrogate mother to Toby, the Lakeland dog; Bramble, the roe deer; Buster, the Jack Russell Terrier; Sky, the shy barn owl and even a bird sits on her soft velvet nose knowing there is love and empathy right there.
This is the time of year, although I think all year should be the time of year, to hear about the good deeds of others be they animal or human creatures ready to do a good deed for those they love and especially for those who are in need of love. Our world is huge, but our own area is very small which means we can reach out with a smile, a good deed, or become a surrogate mom, dad, or friend to one of the many who have been beaten .
So today, spread a little hope and a lot of love as you go about your business of the day. Remember the old adage of . . . "there but the grace of God, go I ." It only takes one story, one red kettle or one food bank doorway to remember that. I give thanks to my friend for sharing her e-mail this morning to awaken my thoughts about sharing and caring. Being a surrogate mother more times than I can count in my life time helped me to be altruistic and know that one hug can change a person's life, wonder what two can do. . . let's find out today. Hugs to all.

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