Thursday, December 9, 2010

And the World Goes Aound

This one reminds me of a mushroom. Pretty awesome.
Sepia reflections would be a good name for this picture.

I am sure I did a blog on linticular clouds awhile back but there is no harm in doing another. Yesterday there was an e-mail with some pictures taken in April of this year by Scott Sistek, a photographer with a great eye. The pictures were fabulous and this one shows several clouds above Mt. Ranier. We used to see these clouds in Nevada all the time but they were smaller and flat which made them look like UFO's coming over the Sierras and hovering over the valley. The clouds are formed as the air flow gets pushed upwards, cools and condenses into these clouds which, by the way, are a sign of a rain storm within twenty-four hours.

Now here is a picture to make you laugh out loud. Those of us who are diet conscious should think about going into the weight loss center and have a good work out, but, if given a choice I am sure there is hot coffee to go along with the pie and ice cream and my feet would most likely head in that direction. After all, I could work off those extra calories later right next door. You have to admit we can find humor no matter where we look.

Now I have no idea what a 'KidsExchange' might be. That sign leaves a lot open to the imagination. I never did want to exchange any one of my children, and most likely you didn't either. Oh, we may have had a moment here and there when we wondered a tiny bit, but we knew we had 'keepers' and would never, ever, exchange them but I am sure we all worked hard in trying to 'change' them . . . um . . . I don't think that works either.
I lost the picture of the political cartoon about the current leak of information, classified information, important information that belongs shredded right after it is written. . . some people just don't think. . . although I believe our politicians are capable of thinking, but, for one reason or another they prefer not to. It must be the Washington, D. C. air. Maybe there is a lintincular cloud or two hovering high above waiting to send a deluge of thoughts down to the minds and hearts of our current leaders. Maybe, just maybe, they will get their heads out of the sand and get down to the business of making the laws of our land mean something.
So today, listen to the news because it does have a huge effect on the way you live. Don't exchange your kids. Watch out for strange looking clouds and carry an umbrella. Most of all enjoy your day, all day, and make it worth while. Go have an ice cream cone and worry about the calories later. You deserve a break . . . I said so!! Hugs to all.

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