Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Camera Ready?

Over in France, Karen and Georges Paumier, are out and about with a camera packed and places to go. Georges is a painter and I have seen some of his abstract paintings but had no idea he was a photographer as well. They did some traveling to places I've never been to so I enjoyed the compact portfolio sent to Karen's mother, Pauline by e-mail, this year.
Shanghai City.

A visit to an art museum was in order and this one has wall to wall paintings. How wonderful to have the opportunity to travel and see all of the different cities and what they have to offer. There were many more pictures, each one capturing the sights and sounds of the area they were visiting.

Meanwhile in Newport, Rhode Island the Christmas storm arrived and belted the entire east coast with a horrendous storm. Newport did not get the brunt of it, but from Walter Sullivan's pictures you can see they had a 'heavy' ocean and a bit of snow on the ground. He wrote up a short narrative about the storm, the wind and the two little sea ducks playing in the powerful surf. "I imagine they had some practical reason for taking chances but I could not figure out how they would find food in this watery explosion. One duck is on top, his buddy is completely swallowed up in the breaker. Crazy"

Here you can see the snow and know that Walter had to shovel. Great shot Walter. Thanks for sharing.

Meanwhile here at home Emma is hiding out. Erin has a new camera and she loves to take shots of Emma. I think Emma had enough!

AND . . . Here is Megan, Walter's daughter and the recipient of a new camera for Christmas. What fun she had going out and about to find some special things to film. Her dad is teaching her to drive so he got this shot. Good luck Megan.

Here is Megan's picture of a Red Tail Hawk
. I think we have another photographer in the family. We have Red Wing Hawks here too and one day I stood and watched one:
Red Wing Hawk
The color of the Red Wing Hawk
is as bright as it can be
It settles high upon a limb
in the tallest tree
We stood and watched it circle
screeching as it flew
and soon its mate came
flying into view
They entertained us royally
as they soared and flew so high
hovering and gliding
all around the sky.

So today, look up and maybe you will see a Red Wing Hawk, or a pigeon or two, and enjoy the sights and sounds. Never be so busy that you cannot get your head out of the computer, or whatever other modern contraption you carry along with you, and miss some of what nature has to offer. Come to think of it there are cameras in the modern 'things' so make good use of them and catch a special picture . . . it's okay to send it along, the worst thing that can happen is I'll put it in my blog. Make today 'your' day . . . do something you have put off so you end the old year and then you will be ready to make preparations for new beginnings . . . 2011 . . .
Hugs to all.

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