Sunday, December 5, 2010

Early Hours

Sharon Guinn's picture of an early bird, more like a picture of me at three a.m. when I woke up and my body seem to say I had more than enough sleep . . . I don't think so and I am sure I will be down for a power nap or two . . . but, in the meantime I thought I'd get on line and have a chat with you who are all nestled in your beds sleeping and dreaming of good things I hope. The television doesn't have much more to offer in the 'wee' hours as it does in the regular program time. If you like ads, lots of ads, then tune in and you can find your way through a myriad of sale items from pocketbooks that sell in the hundreds to some new cactus juice that promises to heal everything that could go wrong with the human body. I'm sorry now I didn't grow a cactus or two in the back yard, think of the money I could make as a local distributor of cactus juice . . . wonder what it taste like.

Well ! As my old friend would say after my usual 'well'; "where are you going to dig it?" I went out yesterday to a couple of yard sales. One was so packed with people in the driveway that you couldn't enter the garage to see what was there. When I finally did make one trip around I came out empty handed as they had no treasures for me, in other words not one book to be had. We went on to the Macklin House, a retirement home and the ladies had tables of lovely things. One lady was giving up all of her jewelry and I found a couple of pieces to take home for Christmas gifts as they need to be worn again for their quality and beauty. My granddaughter is into bracelets this year and there were three old fashioned rhinestone ones sparkling, just the think to wear when you are out doing a Salsa dance or two. There are some things just too lovely to leave behind. Seeing the sales were few, we went on to have breakfast out as the biscuits and gravy were calling to me. Very tasty and satisfying. We won't discuss the fat content. All in all it was a lovely Saturday morning and it was not wasted as we rode by the ocean to see how flat it was. There were small boats out there and I wondered if they were catching anything. It seems California waters have lots of healthy fat crabs while up here over the line in Oregon the crabs are skinny and meatless . . . hard to believe. Maybe when the price is set they will improve. I am looking forward to one crab feast.

So today, Sunday, enjoy the day as you rest up and prepare for a new week. Stop and buy some of those tiny tangerines as they are very good this year. Don't forget the mixed nuts and throw in a pistachio or two. I'm heading for a power nap and then plot and plan some baking today. I'll share, all you have to do is stop by. Coffee is on. Hugs to all.

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