Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snowed Under

When Paula wrote yesterday it was to say the picture I had on my blog of her couple of inches of snow was passe, the blizzard came in yesterday leaving several feet of snow, so she sent along a new picture for all to see. All I can say is it looks peaceful, quiet, uninviting for an outside bar-b-qu, but it sure is pretty.

I have to admit it looks stormy, cold and staying inside in front of the fireplace is a good idea. If I know Paula she is sitting in her favorite chair working away at her counted cross stitch. This woman is an artist when it comes to painting a picture with thread. I have a couple of her works that I wouldn't part with. They really are masterpieces.

This is a satellite picture of a storm hovering over the United States. It didn't say which one, but it could be any one of the dozens that went through this winter. Folks all over the country are waiting patiently for spring. It is coming as we have one tree that has turned a lavender shade and is like the red robin, a harbinger of spring. The buds on the trees are a good sign also.

This picture reminded me of 'my' birds that sit on the wires that run across my back yard. There was only one lonely one out there yesterday chatting away as if he was in the midst of a tea party. I whistled back at him, or her, and I got a few chattering remarks which I just did not understand. The bird was probably telling me it is time to clean up the bird houses and fill them up. I am waiting for it to warm up and then I'll get busy and make it nice and clean out there and buy some of that birdseed they love.
So today, Friday . . . all day, take stalk in what you accomplished this week and be proud of yourself. You can finish off your work week and enjoy the weekend. Make a plan or two to do something different for yourself, get out of your winter rut slowly, dig out the bird house and get it ready. Look for the crocus buds they should be showing up any time now. We have a few jonquils blooming. There is one in the crack of the cement on the property line between my tiny Christmas tree and my neighbors bush. It comes up every spring just like it is suppose to, but only one. One of the birds must have found a tiny bulb and dropped it there. It is small but colorful and reminds me that spring is almost here. I am smiling as I got my first Valentine in the mail yesterday, a lovely one from Elaine and Joe with sentiments of friendship, I treasure. If you forgot and let Valentine Day creep up on you, don't 'sweat it' just pick up the phone and greet the loves in your life. Hugs to all.

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