Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Troubles and Woe

I'm late, I'm late for a very important date. . . . here it is almost lunch time and I am finally getting to blog. I found myself without computer access yesterday, all day, and then today it was still not up. There was a little box to the left of the bottom of my screen that told me that there was 'connection 2, unplugged' . . . now I have no idea what that is and if the truth be known, I really do not want to know. All I do know is that I want my computer to be up and running as it is my connection to my outside world. I am not happy when I call "Charter" to ask when they are going to have the computer connection fixed and my computer back on line. I got one of those pre-recorded voices that you can respond to. It was something I didn't know existed and didn't know if my responses were heard or not. I was ignored for the most part and my frustration was taking on high notes until I heard that if you use the word 'agent' then you could actually speak with someone. Never let it be said that I cannot say 'agent' and I did and I got a real live person. Her name was different, her tone was sharp and we went around the horn several times before she understood I was computer illiterate and had no one around to do her bidding and until I did, there was nothing she could do to get me back on line. She said, "I can send you a technician who will solve the problem". "Oh, that's great." says I . . . . "It will be Monday" . . . then the lid blew. . . Monday was not acceptable, I wanted and needed help today. It was not my doing, but their doing that shut me down and I want my computer up and running. I told her, nicely, that I was not angry with her but with the system and would try and find someone to help me and I'd call back. I went out to where there are a lot of little and big boxes with wires coming out of them. I noticed the lights were on today as they were not on yesterday so it had to be connected. I did the only thing I could think of and that was to shut it off and put it back on immediately. Now maybe that did the trick, or maybe the clerk really felt sorry for me, but I am back on line and have no idea how. I am thankful for miracles no matter where they come from.
So today, I hope your computer is up and running and you are not running into a raving octogenarian with frayed edges. I hope you are sending out lovely cards and notes to those you love and wishing them a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Feast and enjoy even the little things in life as they all add up to be big things and give us remarkable joy. Just think you almost had a day off from my ramblings . . . but then you would have missed me . . . I know! Hugs to all.

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