Friday, November 19, 2010


Well, last night was a birthday celebration and we met at O'Hallorans, a restaurant of renown, and the food is always well presented, rich, tasty. It was more than a surprise when we walked in the door to find the entire place decorated for Christmas. There was not one inch of space that did not have a light, a stuffed replica of Santa as a bear, or a poinsettia, or garlands strung with lights from one part of the ceiling to the walls and I am surprised they didn't think of something for the floors. Talk about over done. Well, the food was tasty and our birthday lady enjoyed being celebrated. As you know, my camera is lost to the watery grave of the sneaker wave and I have no pictures to show you today. A new lady, named Sue, joined us and is a welcome addition to the group. Dee, our lady with a marvelous sense of humor was not with us as she was washing the tea pots over atThe Tea Room restaurant. It is a job they have to do twice a year and it takes days to take down and wash hundreds of tea pots. One of these days I must remember to take a camera and take pictures of all the pots so you can see them. It is a quaint restaurant and one we like to go to for lunch on occasion . . . any occasion as we just love to lunch out. Our birthday lady showed off her gifts and one was a special bottle of perfume which she was more than willing to share. She gave us each a spray of the essence and I promptly offered Peat a whiff and he immediately started to sneeze; well, I didn't know he didn't like perfume or that he was allergic to it. Live and learn . . . poor Peat and I thought he was being given a treat and not a treatment.....Yeah!!! I'm bad.

I did find a very tiny picture of the Shore Acres "Festival of Lights" which I have never seen. It is down in the Charleston area about a hundred miles from here. Up around the Coos Bay area north of us. Every year they decorate the entire estate where the rose garden is spectacular and not one is left undone. The trees and the old homestead are decorated and people come for miles to see the spectacular show. Maybe, if I am lucky, I will get to see it this year. Pat and I are plotting and planning a trip up to Coos Bay in early December so a side trip is a possibility. Don't worry, she has a camera and I'm sure she will download a picture or two for me to share.

So today, Friday . . . all day . . . and then the blessed weekend to rest up, and hopefully you will change your pace and make good use of your seconds. Do some one thing you have been wanting to do and 'let the devil take the hindmost' . . . wonder where that old adage came from; go, enjoy quality time with those you love. Hope the weather cooperates and you are not digging out of a foot of snow, or splashing in some puddles as you make your way about. AND, do not let all the early Christmas decoratons get to you, after all you haven't had your turkey dinner yet, and there really isn't any reason to rush our seasons . . . well I guess if you are selling 'stuff' it means you want to rush things . . . but hold off, don't participate in the Black Fridays planned for you, enjoy one holiday at a time, after all it will be another whole year before they come around again. Hugs to all.

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